Tuesday, September 8, 2009

33 Weeks

How far along?: 33 weeks

Total weight gain: 27 lbs...it's finally piling on!

How big is baby?: Just over 4+ lbs and around 17" long....similar in size to a pineapple :)

Maternity clothes?: absolutely....and I would have so many more options if the weather would get cooler!!

Stretch marks?: none

Sleep?: pretty good (although the sciatic nerve pain is still with me) :(

Best moment this week?: Owen was very active over the weekend and it's neat to feel him growing bigger and stronger!

Food cravings?: Still Reese's peant butter cups and sweet tea....and I'll eat pretty much anything else put in front of me :)

Labor signs?: Nothing major, just random tiny cramps....

Belly button in or out?: unattractively out...almost flat!

What I miss: being able to breathe normally, have more energy and drink more than one soda per day if I want to!

What I'm looking forward to: my shower in a few weeks then setting up the nursery!

Milestone: getting moved into our new house and having a nursery to organize ;)


  1. Every week that you post this, I am amazed at how the weeks have flown by. I am glad everything is going good and I hope you have fun setting up the nursery.

  2. Can't wait to see the new place! Love you guys!
