Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sibling Sentiment

"A brother is a friend given by nature. ~Legouve"
Before Owen was born I was a little apprehensive about how Emma would act. In fact, the day before I was to be induced I was extremely concerned and overwhelmed with guilt. I was afraid of letting Emma down and not being able to divide myself between two children. She had been the only child for almost three years and I expected that adjusting to our new family dynamics might take some time. Last Easter we had lunch at a family friend's home. She has two grown daughters of her own. She explained to me that its almost as if God creates mothers another heart to love and care for another child. She said that there would be more than enough love and that God would provide. He always has.
To my amazement, Emma took on the role of a big sister perfectly. Four and a half months later, she has not once seemed jealous or angry toward Owen. She has taken him under her wing and acts like a second mama :) She is the first to race into Owen's room when he awakes from a nap (along with Roxie, so it sounds like a stampede!), picks out his outfits and reads books to him. Instead of complaining when he screams, she politely covers both ears :) She often tells me all of the things he can do when he gets bigger (play with her Little People, play with Play do, play soccer and eat chicken)! She has lots of activities lined up for him! We shall see how things go when he pulls her hair and messes up her room!
Likewise, Owen adores his big sister. I can see it in his eyes! No one in the world can make him happy and smiley like she can. He watches every move she makes and can't wait to be her best pal!

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean. I had the same fears and now see the same beauty.
