Monday, August 31, 2009

Procrastinating the Packing Progress

.....try saying that five times quickly!!

Here is some of the packing progress I have done so far. Not bad for a pregnant football widow, huh?! If only my doctor allowed me to lift over 10 lbs our place would look a lot more empty by now!

My parents still live in the same house as when they got married over 30+ years ago. Therefore, I never packed a box to move until I went to college. There, I moved three times in the first semester, twice after that, one long journey to a place called Oklahoma and six times since. Packing & moving are NOT among my favorite things to do....especially in the outdoor heat, but it always provides the opportunity to use the popular motto "when in doubt throw it out!" The trash man can't come soon enough....a tiny blue trash can, one weekly pick up day and the amount of things that need to GO just isn't a good mix right not on Blake Ave :/

I have lightened our load a tad by scanning canned goods, medicine and spices to check expiration dates. I have also gone through Emma's clothes (from 3 yrs) to clean out, organize and decide what to keep, chunk or sell. I am such a procrastinator...and I have found that I work best under a time the last minute! I am also guilty of skipping projects. I will start loading kitchen boxes and then find myself walking past a half load of folded laundry!!

I am very thankful that my friend Stacy has offered to let Emma come play with her daughter tomorrow morning. Hopefully that will allow me to do some serious packing and cleaning.

Here is the kitchen - 99% of the cabinets and drawers are empty! Oh, and the fridge is pretty empty too - I'm trying to hold off until after the move to make the next major grocery run!

Here is a corner packed with things....ready to be transported!

Here is another bunch ready to be moved. Emma's room is almost bare, as these boxes & bags contain her belongings! Notice the large boxes say "SMITH" - my mother in law brought these from work and they are just perfect!

1 comment:

  1. That is a lot of moving! You need to find a place to settle down in for a little bit, easier said then done in the world of coaching.
    I love the Smith boxes!
