Thursday, August 12, 2010

Random thoughts from a football widow....

I'm not going to sugar coat it. Being a football coach's wife this time of year is quite challenging. Fortunately I have many fellow "football widows" along for the ride and for that I am so thankful! I have a new appreciation for single parents. I savored each and every fleeting Summer day as I knew what was to come :) In our house, football season lasts from mid July through at least Nov (and possibly beyond)!
America loves football. It brings communities together. With it comes so much tradition and rich pride. Everyone follows a team. Typically games are entertaining and filled with friendly rivalries. For others of us, our livelihood is potentially dependent on a win/loss ratio. It's not just a game! Lots of fans show up under the Friday night lights and cheer proudly. Very few realize exactly what goes on behind the scenes.
It is a joy for me to watch Jarrod do what he loves. It makes me happy. He molds boys into men, strategically plots against opponents and does what it takes to make his team successful. He also drives a bus, washes jerseys, paints the field, gives players rides when needed and much more. Coaching is seven days a week during the Fall. Often we aren't able to enjoy dinner as a family. Usually, Jarrod spends more hours with the players than his old children. You see, my husband is a father figure to more than just two :)
I am now beginning my fifth season as a coach's wife. I have learned to just NOT watch the clock during the evenings and to not stress (too much) over when daddy will return home. My favorite part of the week is meeting Jarrod down on the field on Friday nights after each game! Whether his team wins or loses I am his biggest fan :)

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