Thursday, October 25, 2012

Owen at THREE years old

Owen is three and is cute as can be!!  His nicknames include "Oh Oh", "Owie bowie" and "OB".  He wears size 8 shoes, size 5/6 diapers, mostly size 2T outfits and strongly prefers to dress himself (and pick out his own outfit!).  He weighs 33 pounds (50-75th percentile) and stands 36.5" tall (just under 50th perc).  Our new pediatrician, Dr Knight, said that Owen looks great and healthy!  He did a routine hearing test and Owen was cooperative and received perfect scores!  He was such a good patient and acted so mature at the check up.  

I am happy to report that he is finally sleeping through the night (most of the time)!  Bedtime is usually around 8:45pm and he usually falls asleep fast.  His nap time routine got way off track when school started.  He will still nap for 2+ hours if allowed, but this isn't an option on weekdays since we need to pick big sister up from school!

While he can still be the sweetest and most affectionate child on Earth, a switch has been flipped....almost overnight!  He has definitely started testing his boundaries more and finds himself in time out quite often.  Over the past few weeks he has become much more aggressive, assertive and argumentative.  He has also become extremely physical (punching, kicking, throwing, etc.)  We have definitely entered a new era which I will refer to as the "trying three's".

Owen still speaks and eats very little.  At his two-and-a-half year well child visit Dr Dewbre referred him for speech therapy.  It turned out that the waiting list was months long.  Since we were moving I just decided to wait and see how he progressed during the Summer.  Although he is still a our man of few words, he has started linking more words together and even surprises me with new phrases daily!  Some of his newest include "let me try", "it's doity" (dirty), "Whachu doin mama?", "Me do dat (that)", "Can't catch me," "Time go geet Emma?" "Why dees way" (why are we going this way?), "Purprise!" (surprise!) and "No me like that."  He is also very consistent in using his manners.  He says "fweeze (please)" and "Kaku" (thank you). 

His favorite things right now include being outdoors, bouncy houses, playing football with daddy and watching Disney Jr.  His least favorite things include running errands, finishing his dinner and being told "no". 

He still seems to enjoy most school days.  Some mornings he is grouchy and says "No me go 'cool;  me stay home" but usually comes around and gets happy about it before our arrival.  Lately he has become Mr. Independent and wants to walk to class all alone :)  His first parent/teacher conference went well.  Ms. Candace is great and enjoys having him in class.  

Owen is still learning to count (1,2,8,9,10).  He has become very observative and asks questions ("Why mom?", Where ees it?" and "Wha ees dat?")

Owen has become such a cute and fun little boy!  We are so proud of him and look forward to what this next year has to bring :)

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