Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First day of Pre K

"You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!" ~“Oh, The Places You'll Go!” by Dr. Seuss

Today our sweet Emma started Pre K!!

Of course she couldn't miss an early morning photo opp with her favorite little brother :)

Moments after posing herself for this photo, she marched right in like she owned the place!  The Pre K classroom is in the opposite side of the building of her preschool classroom and all of the other MDO classes.  Her teacher this year is Ms. Glory and she seems great!  In fact, Emma got to know her fairly well last year as their classes combined often for actvities.

Last week I was pretty tearful seeing all of the adorable photos online from friends' kids starting Kindergarten.   I was sad knowing that this will be our last year not to be in that mix.  I can't begin to imagine doing that yet.  Fortunately one of Ms Glory's main objectives is to prepare her students for Kindergarten.  I wonder if there is a class for the mamas??

Look what is posted right outside the classroom!  How very appropriate :)

Ms. Glory sent home a note saying that Emma had a GREAT first day!  Upon pick up she was super excited that she got to play with play dough (what else is there, right?!).  She also told me that she played spy girls on the playground, got to eat a purple popsicle to match our outfit and listed several words that start with the letter Y including yak, yoyo and yellow.  We are so proud and hope more than anything that she has a wonderful year of learning, exploration and FUN! 

Check out her first day of preschool last Aug HERE

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