Sunday, July 9, 2017

Hudson 28 months

Hudson is now 2 years + 4 months old!  He weighs 27 pounds, measures 2'6.5" and his head circumference is 18.9".  He is starting to wear mostly size 3T clothes.  His favorite accessory is a hat!  He is quick to point out when anyone else is wearing a "haT"!

He enjoyed his very first carousel ride on 6/30.  He was enamored with the lights and motion and seemed to enjoy the ride :)

Hudson has enjoyed the pool this Summer and his most recent word is "water"!  Some of his other new words include "moRe, uP, hello, bye, shirt, puppy, kitty, fish ('nosh'), look (while pointing at something) and dino.

Hudson is a wonderful eater, sleeper and shopper!  He prefers to ride like this on our grocery excursions opposed to the front seat!  He is still a consistent napper but must be on his bed (usually will not fall asleep in the car or anywhere else!)

He is a happy guy!  He has recently started growing molars and constantly has his hands shoved in his mouth.  He now has 18 pearly whites!  He has also chewed through must of his soft sippy cup spouts as well as two Wubbabumb pacifiers.  Dad says he isn't getting another one.....

Last month he met one of my best friends' newborn daughter Avery.  When she was crying he instantly rolled over and started patting  and loving on her.  It was the sweetest thing ever :)

Therapy is going well.  Hudson is getting stronger each week!  He especially loves bouncing and balancing on the yoga ball!  He will be reevaluated for speech therapy next month.

Last week Hudson's first wheelchair was officially delivered!  There are a few more adjustments to be made but we are thrilled that it will offer so much more independence, freedom and hands free fun on a higher level like his peers.  Within hours after receiving it he had already taken things off the wall and had gotten into mischief just like any typical two year old!  His smile says it all :)

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