Here is a journal entry from July 2009:
Today we found out that "it's" a BOY!! Before the sonogram Jarrod and I took one last guess: GIRL. Emma kept saying "boy, boy, boy". At first only Jarrod and Emma could see the screen. I finally saw him near the end. We were so surprised when it was announced that it is a boy! Our son was moving a lot. His little mouth was opening and closing and his little arms and legs were moving! The radiologist measured him at 1 lb 5 oz and also said that I was measuring to be 24 weeks along, exactly one week ahead. They probably won't move my due date. As we walked out of the office Jarrod said "Now we can get lots of camo"!
Here is another entry from July 2009:
We have decided to name him Owen Barrett Smith. Owen means "well born and noble".

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." -Pslam 139:13-14
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