Tuesday, September 22, 2009

35 weeks - moving right along!

How far along?: 35 wks today

Total weight gain: 30 some odd lbs...

How big is baby?: Approx 5 1/4 lbs and over 18+" long....similar in size to a honeydew melon :) His kidneys are now fully developed and he will gain mega LBS over the next few weeks.

Maternity clothes?: Of course! I love the world of elastic pants!

Stretch marks?: not to my knowledge

Sleep?: Somewhat decent, although I know I shouldn't complain because it will be close to non existent soon enough!

Best moment this week?: Receiving and purchasing more decor for the nursery! The sports theme is finally coming together and I hope to start organizing this week.

Food cravings?: Last week I got a sudden craving for Taco Bueno (which was odd because I've only had it twice ever).....I tried to ignore it, but finally had to give in and drive to the nearest Mexican food restaurant and settled for chips and queso! I went to Taco Bueno while in Waco on Fri :)

Labor signs?: Nothing big, but I have had some feelings that are certain signs that my body is preparing itself.

Belly button in or out?: straight out

What I miss: having a girlish figure and eating caesar salad

What I'm looking forward to: my hospital tour on Tues

Milestone: Owen gave me some rough kicks yesterday at Wal Mart....they are waaaay past the sweet stage ;)


  1. love your preggo update! why can't you eat caesar salad?

  2. Marie - because most of them have raw egg :(
