I borrowed a blog idea from my friend, Marie, titled "The I Am Poem."
I am: horribly falling behind on my work hours ~ it doesn't help being in and out of town so much the first half of the summer!
I think: it is crazy hot outside!!
I want: to go back to Jamaica someday.
I have: the best full time job in the world (stay at home mom)!
I wish: bad things didn't happen to good people :(
I miss: my house in Stillwater, OK.
I fear: the swine flu
I feel: overwhelmed with housework
I hear: The Elmo in Grouchland movie
I smell: nothing specific
I crave: chicken tenders and gravy with corn fritters
I search: for a place to live next year....
I wonder: when the first chilly Fall day will come (not fast enough)!
I understand: that God has a master plan (although sometimes it is hard to be patient)!
I regret: not getting my degree in education
I ache: no where at the moment (but usually my sciatic nerve bothers me at night time).
I care: what others think (too much)!
I always: buy something when I enter Target.
I am not: as positive as I should be
I believe: the children are our future.......
I dance: and Emma laughs at me :)
I sing: in church
I cry: at the drop of a hat while pregnant
I worry: CONSTANTLY...about something...about anything....about everything.
I don't always: fold clothes right when they come out of the dryer
I fight: the laundry battle
I write: loads of greeting cards....I'm addicted....
I have never: smoked
I need: a money tree
I am happy about: a baby boy!
I love these things cause I get to know you better :)