Sunday, June 14, 2009

Marriage retreat

We definitely had a whirlwind of a week! We returned home from the beach late Thursday afternoon, did laundry, re packed, passed around a mini stomach bug and headed to a marriage retreat on Friday. We dropped Emma off at my parents' house in Temple and headed south to the T Bar M conference center in New Braunfels. Traffic south bound on I-35 is absolutely chaotic!
The Coaches Outreach program puts on four different faith based conferences for coaches and their spouses during the summer (2 in TX, 1 in OK & 1 in AR). This was our first year but apparently it is extremely difficult to get registered for this particular conference and location. The coaches came from all levels including jr high, high school and college. There were approximately 300 people total. There was a speaker (pastor), music leader (who could have been a professional comedian) and a legendary NFL football star present. Our small group was led by the defensive coordinator from Huntsville and his wife. They were a lot of fun :) On Saturday afternoon we were given 5 hrs of free time so we decided to explore the outlet mall in San Marcos.
We enjoyed our time away focusing on one another and reflecting on what God's will is for our family. This was the longest (2 nights) ever away from Emma and we were so glad to be reunited with her today :)


  1. You are so busy. I am glad you all enjoyed yourself, even though you were away from Emma.

  2. I've always thought a marriage retreat would be fun. Glad you enjoyed it!!

  3. Glad you guys explored NB! Yes south 35 is HORRIBLE, we avoid it as much as we can.
