Ready or not, our Owen is suddenly SIX!! He is handsome, strong willed, smart, unpredictable, playful, hilarious, rebellious and methodical. He weighs 48 pounds and stands 3 feet and 11 inches tall {both around the 75th percentile}. At his check up Dr Knight was impressed with how much height he has gained over the past year! He wears size 5/6 clothes and size 13 shoes.
He is a loyal friend, a ball full of endless energy, has a great memory and is very competitive. He enjoys making people laugh, dancing, singing in children's choir, playing football with his daddy and riding his bike. He dislikes matching socks, not getting his way and trying new foods.
He is still a very particular eater. However, he has expanded his horizons and now enjoys broccoli and cheese soup, chicken noodle soup, garlic bread, salad and string cheese. His favorite meal consists of a peanut butter sandwich, Gogurt, fruit snacks and a juice box.
He is a terrific big brother! He {usually!} loves to help but still must be watched closely and can't be left alone with Hudson.
He is thriving in the land of Kindergarten but dearly misses the more intimate setting and special friends at Pre K. I am incredibly thankful for his teacher and that he is learning so much. He has only had to move his behavior color down a few times: for chasing girls and trying to kiss them, purposefully unplugging friends' headphones during a lesson and for turning book pages with his mouth {did I mention he likes attention?!} Ms T says that he is a leader and that his fellow students often follow him.
Owen is extremely determined and adventurous. He is a rock climbing machine! He zips up quickly and doesn't stop until he reaches the top to ring the bell. He frequents the one at the Baylor exercise facility and this one was at our local Independence day celebration.
In lieu of a big party this year we let Owen choose a few friends to take out for a day. He chose three Pre K besties and celebrated with a trip to 7 Acre Wood and Double Dave's for dinner. The kiddos enjoyed a hay ride, train ride, pony ride, petting zoo, playground, mini golf, zip line and more. {L to R Willa, Emma, Keaton, JK & Owen} What a fun bunch :)
Owen chose this Lego design for his cupcakes! Shoa at our local Red Barn Bakery always does a great job :)
Hopefully the next six years won't fly by as quickly as the first six did. We love our middle little with ALL our hearts and count it a blessing that the Lord chose us to be his parents. There is never ever a dull day with this fellow and we love it! :)
Current favorites:
TV show: Paw Patrol
Movie: The Incredibles
Sonic drink: Dr Pepper
Color: orange
Hobby: playing outside
Food: rice
Friend: Keaton
Day: Friday {because it's the weekend!}
Book: Pete the Cat series