1. Tell me a joke.
Emma: "Knock knock, (who's there?), Mr. Poo poo head!"
2. What makes you happy?
Emma: "Roxie, Owen, Daddy, Mama, preschool, Aggies, Spongebob and princessses."
3. What makes you sad?
Emma: "Scary things, when friends hit me, when mommy throws my toys away, when my game runs out of batteries."
4. Who makes you laugh?
Emma: "Owen."
5. How old is your mommy?
Emma: "One."
6. How old is your daddy?
Emma: "Thirty one."
7. What is your favorite thing to do?
Emma: "Play with playdough and the kitchen center at school."
8. What does your mommy do when you are at preschool?
Emma: "Work."
9. What is your mommy really good at?
Emma: "Making birthdays."
10. What is your daddy really good at?
Emma: "Aggieland and making me happy....and mad."
11. What are you good at?
Emma: "Driving my John Deere tractor."
12. What is your favorite food?
Emma: "corndogs and string cheese"
13. What is your favorite color?
Emma: "blue"
14. What is something your mommy says a lot?
Emma: "It's time to go!"
15. What is something your daddy says a lot?
Emma: "USA"
16. What is your favorite toy in your bedroom?
Emma: "My Little People castle."
17. When are your mommy and daddy proud of you?
Emma: "When I sleep."
18. What is your mom's favorite tv show?
Emma: "Oprah."
19. What is your dad's favorite tv show?
Emma: "football"
20. What is your favorite tv show?
Emma: "Word World and Phineas & Ferb."